Miroku Denshu af Dondoro Theater
Dukke- og maskemester Hoichi Okamoto (JP)
på Odsherred Teater
21 Sept. 2002
The Legend of "Miroku"

Miroku is a Buddha that is said to appear in the degeneret age, 5,670,000,000 years after Shakya's death and is also said to save all living thing. The mysterious smiling face is called an Oriental Mona Lisa and it is filled with enigmatic gleam and darkness, as if it is implying the world of the future.
This work is composed by projecting Miroku on women. Birth.....the continuation of life and the chain of bodies, the privilege given to women only, causes their instinctive toughness. Women have a mystery which men can not go beyond neither by suffering nor understanding with reason. The Buddha that will appear in the degenerate age and be present at man's fall migth be like that. It is fortunate to see mysterious phantom of Buddha through love, hatred, birth and death that are repeated daily in human life

Hoichi Okamoto Dondoro
From Dondoro's collection of puppets and Masks Ijima Japan 2001

Dondoro was founded by solo artist Hoichi Okamoto in TokiO in 1974. The unique style of Dondoro has been developed by using life sizeed puppets and masks to conjure emotional worlds of deep unconcious. Hoichi Okamoto's expressive style stems from the Butoh form. His technique which combines traditional Japanese theatre forms like Bunraku and Noh with elements of modern Mime and Dance has provided creative innovations upon Japanese puppet traditions. Unlike traditional Bunraku or modern Mask play, Hoichi Okamoto's emphasis is on discovering the wonder and charm of the puppet itself rather than illustrating a story. The intipulator lead the audience into realm of pasion, dreams and mysterious beauty.

Workshop information

Dondoro web-site

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Hoichi Okamotos ophold i Danmark er støttet af Scandinavian-Japan Sasakawa Foundation